Right now, many of us are considering the value of a vacation that keeps us out of the mainstream, away from people and really just helps us get out of the house. We are exactly the same way. As we considered what we wanted to do this summer, we kept coming back to something we had taken for granted along the way. Why don’t we go to one of the state parks in the area? In doing our research, we were really surprised at the variety of, well, really everything that state parks had to offer and not just outdoor activity options either. Allow me to share a few for your consideration both obvious and some maybe not so obvious.
The variety of activity
As you would expect, the main thrust of most aspects of state park, are outdoors. Camping, fishing, swimming, hiking, and more can be found in the state park systems around the country. If you are an outdoors oriented person, you will be in heaven in many ways. Dependent on your area, you may either have, or be within reasonable travel distance, of flatlands, mountains, wooded areas, or more.
Historians in the bunch?
A surprise for me was how many park systems are built around aspects of American History if you are interested in studies of history or exposing your family to those possibilities. Let me give you some examples of parks built around history.
Dade Battlefield State Park in Florida is built around a key exchange between the Seminole nation and settlers during one of the longest and costliest wars with Native Americans. Amongst the outdoor activities here the park hosts a museum focusing on the battle and on the Seminole War. If you go in January, you may also be able to take part in an educational reenactment as well.
If territorial history is more your thing, you may pay a visit to Old Saint Stephens Historical Park in Alabama. The park commemorates and holds the site for the first territorial in the state of Alabama. In additional to 15 miles of hiking, etc. you can visit the site of old St. Stephens and let your imagination go crazy as you can envision the layout, happenings, and community of old St. Stephens. Boating is another facet here in addition to cabins where you can stay there are forty spaces for RV’s as well.
Paul B. Johnson State Park in south Mississippi highlights part of the old military Camp Shelby which has a significant history tied to World War II and the POW Camp it was home too. Through the Iraq Wars Camp Shelby has been a high traffic “jumping off point” for units as they have gone overseas. The volume of high visible American figures who passed through the gates of Shelby will surprise you and the impact of the camp on both state and American history will likely surprise you as well.
Cultural communities
Many state parks are located in, or near, communities of cultural interest. Meaning, they are located in proximity to communities that showcase local talent, heritage, or the like. You may find craft based opportunities, micro-brews, local talent in classic industries such as a cobbler, clothing, jewelry or the like.
Just a Lodge/Hotel/Resort-ish style getaway and one-time unique opportunities
Depending on the parks you may pursue there may also just be a chance for you to get away. Several parks are home to Lodge/Hotel style stays with many (if not all) basic types of amenities you will find in a run-of-the-mill hotel stay. We did this at Twin Falls State Park in West Virginia and had a great experience in a get-away environment and had access to many types of experiences within thirty minutes of the park, in addition to the park itself.
Oh and did I mention that you may find unique one-space only experiences also? Case in point, the Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas. There, and only there, you can go and dig for diamonds and come out with a natural diamond for you to take home.
The long in the short of this one, explore your state parks as a cost reasonable option for you to take in during these re-opening times. Information on your state parks system can easily be found online as well as their accessibility as facilities begin reopening around the country, including our park systems.